
Weekend Music: To see the list of hymns for the specific time period, please click on the appropriate option below. A new window will open with the information. Please note the yellow highlighted areas. 

Ash Wednesday (2.14.24) through Body and Blood of Christ (6.2.24)

June 9, 2024 through August 25, 2024

Cantors: Thank you for volunteering each week to cantor the hymns! Sign up is through MSP (Ministry Scheduler Pro). If you do not have this app or able to access via your computer, please contact the parish office at 659-3514. A few notes:

  • Masses will continue to be livestreamed. Therefore the songs cannot be changed due to copyright requirements which must be submitted ahead of time.  Thank you for understanding.
  • Each month there is an opportunity to sign up to be a cantor at mass. Notification is via email. A reminder will be sent each week of vacancies. Please sign up by clicking the link in the email or using your MSP app. 

We are in need of cantors!  If you are in 7th grade or an adult, we would love to have to join our Music Ministry.  If you are interested but do not want to sing by yourself?  No problem, a several can sing at the same time! Training, practice, and music is provided.  This is a volunteer position. For questions, please contact Karen Roode at 563-522-2665 (phone) or call the parish office at 563-659-3514.   

We are in need of Organists/Pianists!  If you are in 7th grade or an adult, we would love to have to join our Music Ministry.  If you are interested in playing the piano or organ for a few songs, occassionally, or on a regular basis, please let us know. This is a paid position. Training and music is provided.  For questions, please contact Karen Roode at 563-522-2665 (phone) or call the parish office at 563-659-3514.