St. Joseph has volunteer opportunities which will enable our faith community to continue to grow in faith. Below are the opportunities with a brief description, training dates and times. You may choose one or more volunteer opportunities. Altar Servers, Canotor, Eucharisitic Ministers, and Usher assisgnments are scheduled using Ministry Scheduler Pro (MSP). Please contact the parish office at 563-659-3514 for questions or to volunteer.
Altar Server
Description: This volunteer will assist the priest during Mass. Altar Servers will be asked to report 15 minutes prior to mass time. All assignments will be through Ministry Pro.
Training: Meet in the Church. Training will be led by Fr Page or Deacon Mark.
No training scheduled at this time. Please call the Parish Office at 563-659-3514 to volunteer
Description: This volunteer or small group (no more than four people) will assist in leading the faithful in Liturgical Music during Mass. All music is provided well in advance. Cantors will be asked to report 15 minutes prior to mass time and check in with the orgainist or pianist. All assignments will be through Ministry Pro.
Training: Meet in the Church. Training will be led by Karen Roode.
No training scheduled at this time. Please call the Parish Office at 563-659-3514 to volunteer
Eucharistic Ministers
Description: This volunteer group will distribute communion to the faithful within the body of the church. As a volunteer, you will need to be able to safely and comfortably be able to move between the pews. If you were a previous Eucharistic Minister, you may also distribute communion as we return provided you attend one of the training sessions. If you have never been a Eucharistic Minister and wish to volunteer, please attend one of the training sessions. Once trained you will recieve further instructrions. All assignments will be through Ministry Pro.
Training: Meet in the Gathering Space. Training will be led by Sr Janet.
No training scheduled at this time. Please call the parish office at 563-659-3514 if you are interested in being a Eucharistic Minister.
Description: This volunteer will assist in the the mass by pronouncing the readings to the faithful. Lectors will be asked to report 15 minutes prior to mass time. All assignments will be through Ministry Pro.
Training: Meet in the Church. Training will be led by Sr. Janet.
No training scheduled at this time. Please call the Parish Office at 563-659-3514 to volunteer
Organist/Pianist: Please click on the Music tab for more information on these positions.
Description: This volunteer group will assist in the seating of the faithful. Doors will open 30-45 minutes minutes before each mass, ushers will be asked to report 15 minutes prior to mass time. All assignments will be through Ministry Pro.
Training: Meet in the Gathering Space. Training will be led by Becky Townsend.
No training scheduled at this time. Please call the Parish Office at 563-659-3514 to volunteer